Beat MAGA with their own claims

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Senator Reverend Warnock identified and framed the manner to defeat MAGA. where "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" links the Constitution to the command language found in the Bible.  See where Senator Warnock starts with "he should try (Trump) reading it".  Jump to the relevant language which meshs with the Constitution at

Surely he did not realize what he had just done, or he would have developed his speech more in depth - he is not an attorney

Use the FULL phrase "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union"  to pivot as the Biblical commands as a parallel to our legal commands under the Constitution itself.   Michelle Obama said "do something"

I can appreciate how everyone is excited about the Harris / Walz ticket.

But simply at the ballot box beating Trump will not end the problem and may make it worse.  The way to beat all Trumpism is to challenge all followers and supporters to explain how their actions support "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union". If they cannot, they are un-American not patriotic and they need to re-think their words, actions and beliefs. They cannot explain racism.


No one, not Fox News, nor the US Supreme Court  can explain their actions and should be ashamed and adjust themselves.

Of course should they want to destroy that command of the Constitution then where applicable use Quo Warranto to Judicially remove the insurrectionists who are inside the government.

It is not "we the people" it is "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" which is operative power phrase.

Trump and the Republicans know Trump is Constitutionally ineligible and are hoping and planning to cast the election into disarray.

However now in this case the ECRA of 2022 provides the legal path to reject not only Trump's electoral votes as not regularly given, but to ignore the votes completely and should no votes be certified by March 4, 2025 Harris and Walz become the president and vice president regardless Constitutionally by the 12th amendment.

A properly drafted objection will also state by state set aside  whatever electoral. Votes might be and award them to the Constitutionally eligible candidate.  (objection under Section  3 USC 15(d)(2)(B)(ii)(II) to the count of any of the electoral votes for Donald John Trump as not Regularly Given due the candidate is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office due his disqualifying activities under rebellion to the Constitution of the United States as determined by three courts two of which are Federal)  

Mr Trump should be forewarned of the final  paragraph of page 8  of the Trump v Anderson 23-719 Section 3 of the 14th amendment ruling of March 4, 2024.

Like Biden too young to be sworn in but could run for office when he was 29, Trump was allowed to be on the ballot to run, but until he could overcome the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th amendment, he cannot hold office meaning his votes are not regularly given nor can any electoral votes be counted as Trump is constitutionally ineligible until excused and if excused by Congress.

Of course if 145 representatives and 34 Senators sign a  properly Constitutionally drafted objection beginning with Trump's rebellion to the Constitution of the United States at Article II Section I Clause I as Trump's effort to stay in power past 4 years without being re-elected, means the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th amendment and the final sentence of Section 3 of the 14th amendment can never be met as to relief. As Harris said "never again will Trump stand behind the seal of the President of the United States."

However as Senator Warnock warned someone has to heal America and sadly that means laws intended for this must be brought to bear of 18 USC 2383 and 2384 and 1918 and 2331 (5) because the reality is this election is the remnants of the Civil War generations maintained later.   Trump's entire campaign and Project 2025 is a seditious conspiracy plan not to mention the illegal copyright and AI manipulation issues, as MAGA under Trump are domestic terrorists
who put "in writing" the plan of seditious conspiracy to destroy the United States government.  These cult people will not stop.

It is not obvious to most but the Preamble prohibits lying by those who are in government underthe oarh they take to promote "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union",.   This also an objection as well as mental illness and prior convictions.  Trump can run but not hold office according to the Supreme Court ruling.

 The entire phrase "justice, domestic tranquility and to form a more perfect union" is objectionable and antithetical to lying and to that Senator Warnock set forth Biblically at which then becomes a disqualifying activity under Section 3 of the 14th amendment which Congress may define and levy by just 145 representatives and 34 Senators which then bars the candidate from office conclusively as Constitutionally ineligible candidate Donald Trump.

Rep Jamie Raskin sets forth clearly how Religion belongs, not, and never was meant to ever be part of government at

Anyone who maintains otherwise is frankly un-American, not a patriot and is free to move out of the country to any Religious theocratic dictatorship on the  globe.

The same command of the Preamble prohibits laws "against the person".  No one can endow citizenship rights to a theoretical citizen which a fetus is until successfully born into the air.  Until that moment "life" is parasitic belonging to its host - the mother.  All this religious based definition of life, is not an American Citizen with rights until born, the cord cut and it breathes on its own.  Any law "against the person" as to their body is an "injustice, which is antithetical to domestic tranquility and pitting the will of others upon any other person is devisive to the" more perfect union ".  As Gov Walz says the legal translation is" mind your own damn business ". It is not the criminal law, it is a form of deprivation of rights under color of law. ( 18 USC 242) such that until born a fetus is simply not a citizen.

 The plethora of the ridiculousness of laws on the subject of reproductive rights could technically define the egg and sperm as "life" because it is living tissue.  The absurdity becomes clear.  The argument is theocratic and has been wrong.

But more importantly, Trump has dementia - likely  Frontal Temporal Dementia  (.  compare with Alzheimer's to just how much in depth is known about the Brain at )  over laid on a malignant psychopathic and sociopathic narcissistic disorder pathology which appears genetic.  He was this way as a child even. Then he was taught racism by his family (father), and it is  not weird - in his low intellect, it is all he knows.  The proper people to interview are any of the hundreds of medical and mental professionals who through their duty to warn can speak clearly to Trump in his behavior.  His racism was taught, but Trump has NEVER had good rational social judgement.

So a good place to start is in the Preamble and warn Trump every lie he tells strips him farther away from Constitutional eligibility and that all Project 2025 authors and promoters are into insurrectionist activity unlawful under American law.

Slow their  MAGA roll and make them think of the dead end they are heading for but incarceration and or loss of gun, voting, and office holding rights most any jury would convict on.  Why Merrick Garland has been weak and sleep at the wheel is because he is not, and never has been, a prosecutor in a "street war" like MAGA and Trump brings.  Nothing else but harsh application of law is going to work.

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I suggest building some approved YouTube video media sites as a central repository for  official dissemination of information

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[1] The entire Amendment reads as thus : No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

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