Trump COVID Cure and Biden and the Truth
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"We the people in order to form a more perfect union"... is the definition of an American patriot who follows the decisions of the body politic from the words and social contract of the constitution and no other to challenge it. No one would have imagined a global pandemic would separate and identify idiocy from those of intelligence. An ABC News poll shows that the people who resist vaccination are basically the poorly educated dumbstruck and needle fearful, who choose internet gossip also called conspiracy theories over science and health care information. Rebellion is a sure sign of their idiocy. See and the Republicans continue to illustrate just how stupid they are suffering still 3 times greater Covid-19 death rates in Trump stronghold areas according to NPR as posted May 19, 2022. See If one would do a Whole Genome Sequence on many of these people it is good bet one would find high levels of Neanderthal DNA. That is Neanderthal thinking - stubborn and stupid.
Finally someone set the scenario straight that COVID-19 Omicron BA 4 and 5 is coming and will the world be like the pandemic started anew naked. See The paragraph below edit last edited 6/10 /2022 predicts that by July 4th America will be heading to a summer surge on BA 4 & 5, and sure enough as of this edit July 6th, 2022 it is happening and cases and deaths are rising again. It is a good bet July 4th was actually a National super spreader event. This time vaccinated or not there is no protection. See, and 60 Minutes aired this segment on how people are refusing to go back to work amid others. It means that people are smart enough - at least certain ones are - to stay clear of others. which aired January 2022 and July 7th NBC Nightly News at at about 10 minutes into the broadcast shows how COVID Omicron BA5 is spreading but what didn't do is explain the coming Omicron vaccine is for BA1 and barely works on BA5 meaning the virus is winning the race. See.
People cannot seem to count. The vaccine or booster - actually one in the same - wear off in as short as four months. This Doctor gets it while most others do not. See The interview was streamed one week before the US Memorial day holiday 2022, and it is saying that the virus waves can coincide with holiday events - at least the start can. There is no meaningful measure of immunity that will ever be gained to Covid-19. Never has been with coronaviruses. One can get antibodies from vaccination if one has nutrients in their body to create and keep them to fight it however people do not want to protect themselves with vaccination on time and a quality mask, but fail to realize that they are able to spread the virus even if they are not feeling sick. One can just count and each American holiday is a build up to a COVID surge. At this edit May 19, 2022 ABC News posted this report and it looks like July 4th in America will be a challenge again. See
COVID has killed at least 15 million worldwide and will continue to steadily reduce the world population.
How wrong people are reading this Omicron variant. This study shows how Omicron BA.2 is more dangerous and able to evade vaccines and antibodies than BA.1 => and this article shows how Omicron is being quietly overlooked for what it really is => and this article shows a reference to the first link that further illustrates the danger => and these are current as of mid-February 2022. A wild vascular disease is COVID of you know not what depending on your genes and a lot of people may die or be stricken LATER with LONG COVID that likely won't be counted under the COVID column. See. and Mild symptoms or not, ANY COVID can kill you 6 to 12 months or more later. There have been people who have had their heart just arrest. See Don't get caught up believing you can't get COVID a second or third time. See months There really is no reliable immunity because each variant may evade the antibodies of another or vaccine as Omicron does. Slowly the government and medical professionals are admitting the vaccines are waning faster and working less and less. A booster shot will wane to I effectively nothing now in four months. See Here, misinformation pundit Joe Rogan not realizing he addressing the vascular nature of COVID is fact checked in real time on his show at It is not the "FLU" and should not be compared because of the onset attack infection symptoms.
The flu does not often cause Myocarditis or kill 6 to 18 months later like COVID will See Dr. Fauci won't be clear and TV Journalists are asking dumb questions like can I still go to a restaurant. "Uh yes but dumb idea" See and then there is a dumb-ass ball player Kyle Irving who refuses to get vaccinated and want to play ball among fully vaccinated team mates - who will absolutely infect him and remain asymptomatic. He "prays" for everyone to be healthy - uh "god" has NOTHING to do with it - but that is the Religious delusion m that an invisible deity will protect and save you used throughout history to no avail or good sense. See and CDC Director Welinski states the odds on being stupid and unvaccinated here at and here is another that still doesn't get that you can be infectious both vaccinated and unvaccinated at Here's a woman with five children who ended up in the hospital for almost 5 months of two of was in a coma - of course unvaccinated at and how about this one where both parents died within two weeks of each other leaving five children here at and there is no way to say it but these are the dumbest of the dumb.
CNN did a report on how it is now becoming more acceptable to mock these people for being plain dumb here and here is the link to website mentioned in that piece. A Mexican TV personality calls them what most people think of them as morons The real question is who is footing the bill for their stupidity for the medical and Social Security death benefits to the surving children. Long COVID is also now a Social Security benefit available. CNN had to call out ABC for misleading editing in this report at. and but at the same time Dr Fauci and the FDA head are throwing up their hands admitting Omicron will likely eventually infect everyone in this CNN segment at and while Biden promised to use science to direct the public in this crisis, in reality his administration has has been on the "late show" and full of political speak in many ways not in full blunt disclosure especially when on July 31 2021 it was clearly known that vaccinated people could become infected and walk around asymptomatically spreading the virus,. When Omicron hit a rude awakening that not only were antibody protection levels waning and disappearing at at 6 to 8 months like Pfizer and Moderna said they would but that the Biden administration was sleep at the wheel for when a varient would arrive that evaded the vaccine so clearly that Omicron does. See and it all seems like an episode of the Marx Brothers or Laurel and Hardy. With testing in mid January 2022 in the US at at 3/4 of a million new cases per day, it is not known if those are new Omicron infections or Delta infections riding along waiting for antibodies to weaken enough to break through and deliver that vascular infection as a working disease to maime with Long COVID or kill. Make no mistake this SARS-COV-2 is wild gene therapy virus delivered in stage two lower respiratory that you do not want in your body at all because it is a dangerous vascular disease - any varient that can produce small vessel disease which is a dangerous down the road killer. See and while most humans are a generally stupid lot with mouth they mistake for intelligence because they said it, the truth is humans have been wrong about COVID at each turn of the disease. It can and strike anyone regardless of their vaccination or health, children and infants included, and mild symptoms or not it is a multi-faceted vascular disease that based on your genes can mess with your health forever or simply kill you suddenly later.
Don't be stupid - it is not a cold though it presents as one. See and COVID is something you can taste and smell in your upper respiratory tract if you are in tune with your body. This school is using dogs for the same thing. See and the ugly blunt truth is that the virus is helping curb an overpopulated planet headed for disaster if people won't curb their breeding. for one Micheal Moore's Planet of the Humans for another at which in essence says Global warming is due to the extra industrialization caused by overpopulation and the growing population of Earth.
1. Omicron is Delta modified to walk past the vaccines. At 100 percent fresh re-vaccination, now called a booster efficacy is 50 to 60 percent against Omicron. In short even health officials aree saying you WILL get Omicron - even vaccinated but just no likely to die or have severe illness.
2. The vaccine antibodies wear off and are discarded as to effectiveness in a half life in 6 months ANYWAY - according Pfizer and Moderna in late September 2021, but at $20 per dose the Administration initially did not listen. See
3. The mild nature of Omicron refers to vaccinated or highly immune populations like Africans, not Westerners or Caucasians See . Omicron will 100 percent walk past the vaccines right now until new formula is made and most LONG COVID cases began as mild cases. See
5. Covid-19 is not the flu or a cold, it is a genetic vascular disease that is contracted permanently in a respiratory manner meaning it could give you any of a host or multiple vascular diseases in a crapshoot based on your DNA - you really do not want COVID at ALL.. See
6. All vaccinated persons can carry and spread Covid-19 asymptomatically which is why the Pandemic will only worsen and here is why see - and - which was known from day one of the vaccine rollout - see from july 2021 and from as early as May 2020
7. Only idiots and fools would buy into the trivialization of Omicron because it kills and maims just as effectively as Delta in 5 to 10 days. The UK and US have already had Omicron deaths - but they are being quiet about them See and and
8. Journalists needs to actually - especially video broadcast media ones should do more research and pose tougher statement questions than those eking a rosy or evasive answer to reality like Dr Fauci is so good at dancing upon.
29 December 2021 France a country of 68 million reported 200,000 new Covid-19 Omicron cases in one day, the UK of the same population 139,000 (. 3 - three tenths of one percent of the population daily) and the US 465,000 and the next day 492,000 and the next day 572,000. It is actually a good bet many of the people have always been walking around asymptomatically carrying infected as vaccinated people. US daily deaths average 1,500 (1,300 - 1,800). ' Most "LONG" Covid-19 cases start out mild and just never go away. See Omicron is still just as five day deadly to unvaccinated people and it stands to reason will potentially produce millions of LONG Covid-19 cases effective causing mass disability burdens.
Omicron is forcing the Biden administration "big lie" to the surface even as they keep saying the vaccine protects yourself and others. It does not and never has - ONLY PROTECTS YOU. The vaccinated have ALWAYS been able to carry and spread the virus. See Dr Gupta finally here admit it. as it was known when the vaccine was created that the virus remained in the upper respiratory tract without immune system response.. and even though a vector vaccine, there was every indication the MRNA vaccine would be the same. So as early as March 2020 this was known and everyone was repeating the same thing "protect yourself and others" until July 31, 2020 when a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) blew the lid off featuring a Connecticut study proving that the virus is spread by vaccinated people maybe more than unvaccinated people.
CNN called it the "Canary in the Coal Mine" and the CDC then immediately said everyone should mask up. But politics prevailed and the economy was more important to get back to normal so it was hushed in government and media back to the "protect yourself and others" refrain when that was a scientific "big lie". See and now the latest incarnation of the Covid-19 "big lie" is getting a booster shot will protect you. It is Apples to Oranges and while you are better protected being vaccinated, the booster is because the antibody protection wears off at 6 months anyway. But the truth is Omicron walks right past antibodies of this current vaccine mrna formula. You WILL get Omicron Covid-19 and how sick you get, die or have long haul issues depends on both the level of antibodies you have and the crapshoot of your family tree - your genes. Covid-19 is a vascular disease that you contract in a respiratory manner and so given this only and idiot and a fool would not wear an N95 at all times in any public setting. See and and and and What goes on in the African population is not an indicator of the severity of what will happen in a Caucasian and Neanderthal gene influenced population. See and and Most Caucasians have some Neanderthal DNA most Africans do not. and so the truth is the vaccine of the current mrna formulation may not help many Americans as many Caucasian here have a fair amount of Neanderthal DNA, and most vector type vaccines will not work on Omicron likely at all. See
Right now - and forever - your best protection is stay away from other people period, wear an N95 mask, get a booster shot, yes, but standby with Copper Sulfate to kill the virus if you take a home Covid-19 test or feel upper respiratory distress of mucous or scratch throat. Copper taken aqueous orally in small amounts kills ANY virus almost immediately and you will feel it go by the respiratory distress disappear in less than a hour. See and and and So for unvaccinated fokes afraid of the needle here is the nasty blue powder, that unlike the other misinformation stuff, actually works and is medically appropriate to treat all viruses. 900 mcg is literally about physically as much in a pile as four grains of salt and less than a grain of rice CUT IN Half so if you go that route get a microgram spoon or a jewelry scale. It is really bitter and you will want to mix it in a small shot glass or nyquil type cup in a small amount of water and then wash it down with big gulps of water like from a jug not a glass. This author goes through a drive thru for food and often begins to get sick after eating. Virus can live on surfaces and even sugary beverages, so beware and be ready.
Where COVID-19 really came from is the question. It seems to move to the next variant lock step with congregation holidays. Allegedly found in bat feces in a cave in China ( See we cannot blame the Chinese for trying to figure it out, but the truth is it got away from them. Even Mr. Trump said it probably escaped by incompetence. But was it ever naturally occurring?? . Maybe was it "planed" in that cave ?? The show Ancient Aliens - a long running 18 seasons History channel show did a show in Episode 4 that shows that nations of the world actually already have been contacted by Extraterrestrials and made a demand that humans figure out how to get along and stop destroying the planet with depletion of natural resource and causing global warming which will destroy the habitability of the planet and many species of life.. You can find it at or here => This is a vascular disease of a genetic nature contracted by respiratory means and is extremely sophisticated. For instance it attacks people with Neanderthal DNA more so than modern anatomical humans. See => The difference mentally between Neanderthals DNA thinking and Modern Humans is like that of the Wolf to a modern Domesticated friendly house pet Dog. See why at There was a science fact conjecture series of four parts made before COVID-19 hit suggesting it would be the way extraterrestrial life would invade. It sure looks like COVID-19. Here are the links to the YouTube videos in reverse order. episode 4 episode 3 episode 2 episode 1
Currently humans are "loosing" the COVID war - wherever it emanates from. Currently worldwide loosing on average 10,000 persons PER DAY is a war no matter how one looks at it. That would be about 3 million dead per year worldwide, and if the Afghanistan war went on for 20 years, and the world is about 8 billion people today, that means in three years possibly 1 billion would be "eliminated" from the planet Earth. In 1956 - the world population was about 2.8 billion. What the Extraterrestrials appear are saying is - if true about their contact - is the same story they have been saying since the sledged 1954 "treaty" with President Eisenhower is the same - stop fighting, forget about Nuclear energy for weapons or electrical power. See eg and of course you do not want believe this - but the reality is each version or variant of COVID comes with a new evasive trick, and how is that?? This is a "military" virus - and how does that occur naturally in nature -and march forward like COVID has ?? As people become more and more de-sensitized to COVID - and governments strip away and fight against protective measures, in one of the major holidays - every three months - in America - the odds would point to a big whammy when the guard is most down. Currently no vaccine is working any longer and wears of or "wanes" faster and faster - from 6 months to now down to 3 or 4 and no success so far with Omicron specific formula and the vaccine for children is not working either. So in 20 years if this continues the world may well be back to similar to the 1954 population and many humans will have lost their minds by then cowering from the air they breathe. In the meantime the attitude is so what OK it is not so bad - and is going away when the truth is the media simply is not reporting on the ugly details of the facts of the matter because the world economy is already in very deep trouble. Smart people are staying away from crowds and others. The videos above only point to genetic changes as doom, but are eerily on point, it is after a form of RAID for people. If it is a manipulated virus - new variants will keep popping up forever to target certain DNA.
Omicron - the latest COVID variant as of December 2021 is here, and to not sugar coat it, it evades the vaccines, is at least twice as contagious than Delta, and while people report it produces s "mild" symptoms any COVID disease in your body is a dance with death, 6 to 12 months later or more. See and to which the truth is the terminology is not being used clearly. A PCR test measures if the virus is in the upper respiratory system ONLY - and that could be literally ANYONE - vaccinated and unvaccinated. It is just that vaccinated people are not likely to get ill - until Omicron that is. See which is the report which references the MMWR report of July 2021 which proves anyone vaccinated can carry the virus asymptomatically, which caused the CDC to issue the re-mask up recommendation order for all - permanently until further notice. Play with the virus in the air at you own stupid peril - it might not kill you today - but it may maime you first and then kill you later.
COVID - any variant - is a vascular disease that is contracted in a respiratory manner of a genetic nature that could well - depending on your genes - bring you an ugly reality long after you think you have recovered from it. See
People all want to believe in a God, but the best example of an explanation of the military like precision with how COVID is mutating and coming on full bore for select world events is mankind is literally under an organization of extraordinary extraterrestrial attack to save the planet from human ineptitude to destroy it. Here's a video for thought. and here is another that tries to explain all the hurdles for extraterrestrials to visit Earth but neglects consideration they are already here or living on nearby planetoid bodies quietly. It also assumes that the lifespan is similar to humans, when the Greenland shark lives 500 years or more and according to the Bible Noah lived 950 to 1,000 years, long life is possible for an animate creature. The video misses the most obvious form of UFO propulsion which is slip stream or a. K. A quantum entanglement using magnetic field propulsion. So if robotic machines have come, then that supports a a COVID "Raid theory to clear the planet of dim-wits who destroying the planet by continuing to mindlessly populate and tax planet Earth. See
It could never be imagined that anyone would collectively see how unintelligent many of the world's people really are who believe in a GOD solution over the plain science of reality. See and this preacher and several others who have died from COVID preaching how it a government conspiracy at and preach natural immunity from catching the virus is better. Yeah, right - and risk long haul disability or death later even if you recover ??!!
CNN's Sanjay Gupta explains how Omicron is different here at and see also and yet the Pandemic has reached the point where the seriousness of the next thing will now always be downplayed in the name of saving the world economy. The bottom line is simple - the new Omicron variant won't kill you immediately - maybe - but it is still SARS-Cov-2 and may affect you forever and kill you later, and it is now spreading FASTER than anything seen in the Pandemic so far. That is the REAL story - delayed unknown that looms as a warning already seen. SARS-Cov-2 is now a vascular disease you contract by respiratory means, that now AGAIN has no vaccine that will reliably work now.
Another knucklehead Republican, Jim Jordan said for real Americans COVID is over here at and ding dong Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Cancer to COVID saying that 600,000 people die from it - but it never shutdown an economy, and of course anyone with a brain can see immediately Cancer is not a highly contagious deadly infectious disease. These are the knuckle heads Republicans are and so President Biden's Neanderthal comment may well be closer to reality that even he knew. These people make the best argument for being unable to run for office unless one has a law degree and license to practice law, after all they are supposed to be lawmakers - not the children of Congress. What makes people think they are qualified ?? See
COVID is not gone, and there are variants loose that will kill children fast within a few days. See and the CDC appears sleep at the wheel about the truth.
America has a problem in that at least 45% of the country is truly stupid. These are the people who you tell the air is poison and they say, I am going to breath it just fine. See One Newsmax guy even says maybe it's natural evolution that certainly an amount of people should die. He is right - all the stupid ones who hinder mankind like he and Trump supporters and Republicans who just want to fight and not govern the country fairly based on intelligence.

For instance people with Neanderthal DNA are more susceptible to COVID-19 and it has a greater chance of killing them. See More concerning is SARS-CoV-2 may actually be a wild gene therapy virus with wild unpredictable results. See See and
Neanderthal skull left, human skull right
Neanderthal DNA could make you unhappy, antisocial and aggressive and so it is not something really desired by most persons who want to raise a family. Look before you leap.. See this Newsweek article This Neanderthal issue is much bigger than you think. See genetics
In Biden's 50 day address he rested heavily on what he calls "the truth". But truth is he cannot tell you the truth. See The truth is that COVID-19 has so changed the world that intelligence will be measured by the wisdom to forever stay away from other people for some time to come. A vaccine is a good thing but not a guarantee. With the increasing risk of the variants out there which are defeating the efficacy of vaccine protection, anyone would be a fool to persist in the belief that life will return to the way it was before COVID-19.
What is interesting is - there has always been a solution to COVID. Better than a vaccine, aqueous taken copper supplement - actually directly kills almost ANY virus - before you are infected, it is a preventative measure. then there is a "public domain" drug called "DRACO" that does something similar. See No one would manufacturer it because they could not own the intellectual property of it and so it would not be profitable in the eyes of big pharma. It took COVID for a company to form to manufacture it. See's%20good%20news%20is%20that,approach%20to%20defeating%20viral%20infections. In the meantime the Government has "lost" 20 million does that the Trump administration did not keep track of. At 19 dollars per dose that is 400 million dollars missing. See In the meantime monoclonal anti-bodies in nursing homes has proven the best way to keep COVID in check there. See and
But the real issue is the world wide ignorance and denial about COVID is going to keep killing. See the second part of this Frontline episode at or go to PBS at and look for Season 39 Episode 13. In part Mr. Trump pulling out of the WHO caused this too.
The bottom line is simple, the vaccine - being what it is for a coronavirus - is likely to wear off over time, and mono clonal antibodies have a half life of about 8 weeks, and the truth is COVID is here to stay - and worse yet is mutating into more infectious and resilient strains - none of which will EVER beat Copper and Allicin up front as an attack to infection. See i.e.
In the end, NO media outlet is getting to the heart of how to protect one's self from COVID, but the ignorance and mis-information around the world will have Coronavirus a species killer for many years to come.
The FDA issued an emergency use authorization to drug-maker Lilly for bamlanivimab, a monoclonal antibody that mimics the immune system’s response to infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. At this date it has been revoked because the varients made it ineffective
"The data is very solid," said Dr. Daniel Griffin, head of Infectious Disease at ProHEALTH, an independent, physician-led healthcare organization
The drug is similar to a pair of antibodies made by Regeneron that President Donald Trump has said “cured” him of COVID-19.
Regeneron has also applied for FDA authorization for its drug, REGN-COV2.
FDA’s emergency authorization was based on data from a study of the drug in 465 people who had COVID-19 but weren’t hospitalized. Some patients got the drug, some got a placebo.
Don't get too excited . . . . it still may not be free, and do not assume you will be able to be prescribed it in time.
The federal government has agreed to spend $375 million to provide 300,000 doses of bamlanivimab for high-risk patients, who will not have to pay out-of-pocket costs for the medication. You can see this treatment is very expensive and the rate the Coronavirus is spreading those doses will be gone really fast.
According to FDA’s authorization, bamlanivimab is allowed to be used to treat recently diagnosed, mild to moderate COVID-19 in high-risk patients.
The real story is everyone needs to remember - YOU do not want to get COVID-19 - ever . . . because it is not publicized much but it is a wild DNA Gene therapy virus.
The human genome is not cast in stone, and it can be modified on the fly - and certain viruses do tht and Sars-Cov-2 - a.k.a. the coronavirus has the capability to do just that. For instance sickle cell anemia - a horrible genetic muscular disease is cured by changing just one GENE which is done using a deactivated HIV virus. See
Whether it works on you is dependent on on how entrenched the virus gets into you and your genome . . . so do not risk it - wear a mask and do not tempt fate. If it changes your genes you will likely become a long-hauler or worse.
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