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Procedures for filing Initiatives
Arizona has a web page on this at this writing dated for 2022 at and here is the application with instructions
Here is the meat
Preparing an Initiative
Steps for Preparing an Initiative
- Form a political committee through the Arizona Secretary of State's online system, Beacon, or be prepared to designate an existing (non-candidate) political committee to act as the petition sponsor.A.R.S. § 19-111(A).
- File an Application for Serial Number with the Arizona Secretary of State's Office.A.R.S. § 19-111(A).
- Acquire the appropriate initiative petition from the Arizona Secretary of State's Office
- Ensure any paid or out-of-state circulators have registered with the Arizona Secretary of State's Office.A.R.S. § 19-118(A).
- Circulate petitions and obtain signatures from eligible voters.A.R.S. § 19-112(A).
- Submit circulated petitions to the Arizona Secretary of State's Office by the deadline.Ariz. Const. Art. IV, pt. 1, § 1(4)
- The Secretary of State and applicable County Recorders will process the petitions and determine whether enough signatures were gathered to place the measure on the ballot.A.R.S. §§ 19-121.01; 19 -121.02.
Michigan offers a PDF.
Missouri offers a PDF instruction pamphlet.
Ohio has two relevant web pages. and
In Florida an official page is , and this is from Flagler County
Initiative Petition Process
Citizens may propose amendments to the Florida Constitution through an initiative petition process.
In addition to other requirements, this initiative petition process requires a specific number of petitions to be signed by registered Florida voters before the proposed amendment by initiative can appear on the ballot. Per the Florida Constitution, the number of signatures needed is based on eight percent of the voters who cast votes in the last Presidential election. In addition, the signatures must also come from voters in at least one-half of the congressional districts of the state. A proposed amendment requires at least 60% approval from voters to pass.
It should noted Flagler lists a voter breakout
Republicans. 43,296
Democrats 23,511
NPA (Independent). 21,334
Other 2,148
Which is 43,000 Republicans to 47000 aggregate others. If they all turn out it is close but possible
American Democracy has major design problems that lend well to insurrections inside government. Dumb are rocks generally and they think they are smart and just keep coming.
This is where, since YouTube and the Internet has no card catalog to find videos again, we will do a running blog of links here. There goal is to continue the insurrection and obstruct the government operations in any way possible.
Republicans are so dumb they cannot tell America and Ukraine are winning the war. November 6, 2023 Russia announced more oil cut backs but it is really because they lack ability to move it, store it, and even now get at it as some wells in Siberia are rumored to have collapsed production due freezing. See the summary and or full video at
The Republicans also do not seem to realize that "aid to Ukraine" is the United States effectively selling old munitions on lend lease which Ukraine will pay for when they win by selling all that huge oil gas field revenue from under the very area Putin rushed to annex worth trillions in Crimea and Economic Zone Black Sea. See YouTube video Eo6w5R6Uo8Y 26 minutes in and which explains our military industrial complex gets the money to build replacement new better weapons or versions while we sell and ship near expired weapons we would eat the cost of as an expired or surplus item if a munition that would cost the United States money to destroy. Russia is coming apart and the Republicans are so stupid they holler stop the war when we have effectively won.
Meet Mike Johnson.
Rather than simply put the President's Ukraine - Isreal - Taiwan bill to the floor for a vote they came up with swapping money from IRS enforcement to fund a bill which actually adds to the deficit. and So from November 2, 2023 MAGA Mike looks more like MORON Mike.
A Trump family dumb as rocks runs in the family.
Jeffries news conference on continuing obstruction to go nowhere November 3, 2023
From September 2023 an insurrectionist just flies home like nothing happened January 6, 2023.
From December 29, 2022 - drop the party affiliation become an independent - Watch "Chris Cuomo on Trump's strategy backfiring on him" on YouTube
From October 2022 - Glenn Kirschner on about pardons.
Intelligence is genetic and that means the lack of it is usually "stupidity" from people who have a bit of power trying to push their versions of intelligence which usually is a mirror of others from an imaginary perspective we call faith - aka "religion". True intelligence beats its own drum without crutch on anyone else. 60 minutes did a show on child prodigies and genius. No one references "God",. See
To fix America's ills get a handle on hem:
FIRST get the National Popular Vote Effort Compact working and prohibit any state from passing laws to restrict voting rights and times or mail in voting.
SECOND get up under Section 3 of the 14th amendment and use Quo Warranto to Judicially remove the insurrectionists who are inside the government. A video on Florida law perspective. It works in DC Federal Court for Congressional members. The successful Griffin Quo Warranto complaint is here. The reason this is not being done is because Matt Graves the DC US Attorney who must bring the cases to remove in quo warranto is scared. He has been asked to formally having been served draft complaints to use. See
THIRD use a verified National polling vote system to send government officials and Congress the preference of their constituents in real time verified one person one vote directives. This is something we are working on using cell phone service and billing address to get the poll to the right official.
FOURTH the US Constitution must be amended to
1. Require all legislative and executive officers of the United States to have Law Degrees and active licenses to practice law. This will improve the caliber of Congressional and Presidential persons.
2. Mandatory retirement age of 65 for all branch members including the Courts.
3. Move to a National Popular Vote system for general elections. Require states to send electors that select the candidate who won the national popular vote
5 Require a mental competency and and oath of office to the Constitution BEFORE the candidate ru s, which will stop seditious speech as part of campaigning.
6. It shall be unlawful for any person, citizen, candidate or official to to communicate an untruth of any king in the furtherance of any goal and if said goal is for any political position, as set forth in Section 3 of the 14th amendment, said act shall activate the bar to office of said 14th amendment.
FIFTH. Something must be done about the United Nations - especially if the United States is going to host it on its land. Re-charter it as the "Unified Nations" and eject China and Russia and bar all non democratic autocratic and dictatorial government s. Encourage a bar to business with them.
Get books for detailed informatikn - the audio version is a good deal if you get out before the trial period ends, and you can cross device record the book
SO... FIRST the National Popular Vote Effort Compact must be actualized. It will take Constitutional Amendment initiative ballots in Arizona, Ohio, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri and Florida to get it done. There are enough Democrat voters in those states to get it done. Someone in those states need to step up and file for petition to get it on the 2024 general election ballot. This when enacted automatically when enough states hit the 270 Electoral Votes states enacting this will end elections being stolen by the electoral college because the National Popular Vote will decide in the 270 states by counting all votes accross the nation to award their electors.
Here is Tara Setmayer and Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project. Here is a few compilation of Republicans and Trump idiot speak. You just cannot find Democrats who publicize their idiocy like this. and and Jamie Raskin speaks on how the Republicans have no clue.
The 2024 Presidential election could be the first to be decided by the National Popular Vote IF initiatives in Florida, Missouri and Ohio passes, and Michigan finishes their legisaltive process. It could be an interesting election night.
See Robert Reich explain why a National Popular Vote is needed to replace the by state winner take all Electoral College Selection at
For anyone interested in launching this as a Missouri voting citizen start here at
The suggested text for the amendment is as follows:
For Ohio go to In Ohio a Constitutional amendment for abortion rights will be on the ballot in 2024.. See 12:50 into
For Florida go to and in Florida for the PAC registration part this organization may be able to help at
Thus this is seeking to launch a parallel to the Floridians Protecting Freedom constitutional amendment effort but for the National Popular Vote. Currently a sponsor who is a registered Florida voter is needed. See for example One is needed for Ohio and Missouri also.
It is unknown how familiar you are with the effort to create a state Compact to use the National Popular Vote (NPV) in the stead of winner take all at a state level. This effort is within 50 electoral votes of activating once Michigan signs theirs into law.
This will be a tough go, but it is looking to be a two pronged amendment, First to eleiminate the the 60% super majority for amendments, and second to to allow a Voter Choice Ballot to allow the state electlectors be chosen by the National Popular vote of the Nation. In the 2020 Presidential election the separation was 371, 686 votes and yet the spread was 7 million votes nationwide. 7,059,526 to be exact. There is a point where continuing to count is unfair. Yet the electoral college in some heavy states cansway the outcome ridisulously.
This effort is a compatible hybrid spin to take the question directly to voters. Polls show there are enough non Republicans voters to get this over the line in each of the below states.
In 2023, Florida Representative Michael Gottleib introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the Florida House of Representatives (status of HB53). Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. introduced the bill in the Senate (status of SB860). They have not progressed.
In Ohio In February 2019, Representatives David Leland, Kristin Boggs, Janine R. Boyd, Catherine D. Ingram, Mary Lightbody, Michael Skindell, and Kristin Boggs introduced the National Popular Vote bill (status of HB70). It is now a dead bill
In Missouri In January 2023, Missouri Representative Ian Mackey introduced the National Popular Vote bill in the Missouri House (status of HB829). Also, Representative Peter Meredith introduced the bill (status of HB997). They have not progressed.
That will leave Florida. Ohio and Missouri needing to be accomplished by constitutional amendment initiative as they are the only remaining states with enough electoral votes to get the compact over the hill to success that allow initiatives.
But those states have a ZERO chance of of getting it through the legislature and the governor signing it as a Republican state. The staffer at National Popular Vote seems a bit in the fog about this math that a legislatively enacted effort is now DOA.
The initiative effort would take the form of a voter choice ballot (VCB) you can see outlined at
The amendment would operate as a quadrannual VCB or a one time NPV change instead of state electors. That would be determined on election day 2024 if enough signatures can be gathered in time
florida has a super majority component of the initiative process that Florida law is unconstituional given a recent ruling of the US Supreme Court in blocking a constitutional amendment as to the NPV Compact. It appears the 60 percent super majority is lawful any longer given the US Supreme Court ruling in Chiafalo in 2020.
Further the case ruling unanimously on July 6, 2020 out of the US Supreme Court by Justice KAGAN ruled in CHIAFALO ET AL. v. WASHINGTON, locatable on the web as 19-465_i425.pdf specifically alludes to law says a legislature has no power to usurp the villl of the voters and nor does a governor or court. That also means no process can stop the voters and a simple majority is what is valid under US constitution.
Time is of the essence, so we need to move fast to get this moving immediately for the 2024 general election.